Welcome to the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Philosophy Department!
Course Listings
Detailed information regarding course listings can be found here:
[„Vorlesungen“, „Wintersemester bzw. Sommersemester 20../..“, „Fachbereich 05 – Philosophie und Philologie“, „Philosophie“].Erasmus Students may choose according to their interests from the entire available course listing. Students may either attend entire modules or individual classes from a variety of modules.
An individual email address is included with your ZDV-Account. Example:
You should check your inbox for new messages regularly (Access via Webmail:
Most instructors use this email to inform their students about class, especially with regard to times and dates, classroom material or readings. You can set up your account such that emails to this address are automatically forwarded to another address.
Further details can be found here:
In addition, you should also note that important information is sent to your Jogustine email account, especially particular system information. (Hint: Have your Jogustine email forwarded to your Uni-Account. From there, set up your Uni-Account emails to be forwarded to your private email.)
Learning Agreement
By the beginning of your first semester at the University of Mainz, you should have your Learning Agreement signed by Dr. Anne Pollok (Room 00-508). If you have any problems with choosing and putting together your course list, you can obtain help either via email: or during office hours.
Office Hours for Foreign Students
please set up an appointment
Course Registration
During the Info-Days, you will receive a form called, „Anmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen für Austauschstudierende“. Before you fill it out and turn it in to Ms. Hatakova in the Office of Student Affairs, please come in during the office hours for foreign students or please send an email with the form attached to this address:
In addition, it is very important that you inform all of your course instructors regarding your status as a foreign student and that your instructors add you to their attendance lists.
Attendance is required for seminars. During each seminar, students typically verify their attendance by signing an attendance list. Students are permitted two absences per seminar. Some instructors may require a written excuse (e.g. doctor’s note). Other instructors may require that they be informed of your absence via email.
Be aware of the requirements for your seminars at the beginning of each semester.
Exam / Exam Registration
Register for exams with your individual instructors.
You should consider whether you would like to take an exam for a particular course during the semester and speak to the course instructor regarding the format of the test. Many instructors are available only during part of the semester break; therefore, it is a good idea to set up a time slot for your exam in advance.
Be aware that office hours tend to change during the semester break.
Course participation can be certified either with a Certificate of Participation (Teilnehmerschein) without a grade evaluation or with a Course Assessment (Leistungsnachweis), with or without a grade evaluation. Please inform your instructor which type of certificate you require and find out which kind of evaluation is required for such certification.
Term Papers
Please be aware of the Philosophy Department’s instructions regarding exams and term papers:
When you submit term papers, be sure to attach this cover sheet, which confirms your adherence to the academic honesty policy:
Deckblatt zur schriftlichen Studienleistung
Transcript of Records
In order to obtain a transcript, you must first turn in certificates for all of your courses (including those from language courses and courses completed in other departments). Therefore, be sure to allow plenty of time so you can obtain the certificates you require.
The following information in required in order to obtain transcripts:
Home Institution
Department / Faculty of Home Institution
Department Head or Coordinator of Home Institution (including telephone number, fax number and email)
Date of Birth
Date of Matriculation at Universität Mainz
Uni-Mainz matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
We can prepare your transcript together, so please set up an appointment
We wish you much success with your studies at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität!