The collection of the indexes of all volumes of the Schopenhauer-Yearbook have been completed. The scientific contributions are to be made accessible on this page by means of author, keyword and name indexes. Our long term aim is to provide a thorough Schopenhauer-bibliography. Some of the articles that are published in the Schopenhauer-Yearbook are accessible as pdf.-file. You can find the articles that are already accessible through the tables of contents. The articles that are available if the author’s name is underlined. Click on the author’s name to open, print or save a copy of the file. Restriction due to copyright: We will gradually enable the articles from the yearbooks from the years 1912-1937. Currently there are only articles from volumes 1 to 24 accessible whose authors are highlighted as links. From yearbook 1938 onwards, the linked author names will lead to the file as usual. Call for consent We kindly ask all those authors of Schopenhauer-yearbook, who haven’t been contacted by us yet, to send us their consent to the publication of their contributions on the internet (on our website). In order to do so, please use the form provided for you to download and send it by post to the following address: Schopenhauer-Forschungsstelle Thank you for your kind support. This link will take you to the Schopenhauer-yearbook on the Schopenhauer-Societies’ website. |